Jaggery Benefits

"Meetha Bhi Healthy Bhi"

In this health-conscious era where healthy food is preferred over normal food, Jaggery plays an important role. It is a natural sweetener, can be used as a substitute for white sugar. Jaggery has a lot of nutritional values and a good source of Minerals and Vitamins.

Jaggery also gathers a considerable amount of ferrous salt (Iron) during its preparation as it is prepared in iron vessels. This prevents anemia and iron deficiency in body. Presence of Potassium & low amount of Sodium in the Jaggery helps maintaining the acid balance in the body and control blood pressure. Magnesium present in the Jaggery strengthen our nerves system and help to relax the muscles.

Even at the time of post pregnancy it has great benefits to perform, remove all clotted blood from the body of a woman within 40 days after the birth of a baby .It is a very good cleansing agent for lungs, stomach, intestines, esophagus and respiratory tracts. The preventive ability of Jaggery on smoker's smoke-induced lung lesions suggest the potential of Jaggery as a protective food for workers in dusty and smoky atmosphere even for those who are engaged in woolen industries, the wool dust clogged in the food pipe could be cleared with Jaggery. Hence we may conclude that those who are exposed to higher levels of pollution, Jaggery helps them to breathe easier and counter pollution problems naturally.

You may have seen many people eating a piece of jaggery after meal everyday. It is not because of its sweet taste but due to its health benefits which do wonders for the body.